
In life, we always want to win people over. We want them to listen to us and it is an asset to be able to influence others. Think of your spouse and kids. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they are always receptive to what you have to say? Recently, I heard someone mention to me about her experience with her personal banker. When the financial crisis struck in 2008, she lost a bit of money on her investments. So, when she met up with her banker, naturally, she was not in the best of moods. Knowing the situation, her banker started the meeting by offering her some chocolates. As you know, chocolates are known to be able to make people happy. That set the tone for the meeting and it is one way you can make others listen to you rather than giving you nasty looks. In other words, know what makes people happy and they will be more willing to listen to what you have to say. Smart, eh? Anyway, it is the same with your spouse and kids. If you know what they want, let them know that you have listened. That way, they will be more willing to compromise although they may not agree to your suggestions. I tried this with my kid a few times, and it seems to work better than just telling him what I think. If he wants something that I can’t give, I will tell him that I understand that he wanted the item and then followed by my reasons why he can’t have it. It doesn’t work all the time, but at least, it gives him the impression that I’m listening and sometimes, it does result in him being willing to compromise. I guess if you want to influence and make others listen to you, then your family members is a good start. Your kids, especially, will provide you with more than enough practice for you to master the art of persuasion before you try it on outsiders and co-workers!

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