Artist Draws Amazingly Detailed Fictional Cityscapes With Pen and Ink

Published 10 years ago

Every story needs a place, a time, and a main character. Although Benjamin Sack’s cityscapes only provide us with place and time, the cities themselves can be thought of as separate characters, with thousands of buildings, roads, churches, rivers and anything else a decent city would have. Even though the cities in Sack’s drawings are completely devoid of life, they breathe with their own internal liveliness and power.

Sack, who has been drawing since he was two, has a passion not only for his art form, but also for history and architecture. He combines them all with great skill, impressive patience and vivid imagination, creating mostly fictional cities from all sorts of time periods. Using hundreds of black 0.05 Staedtler pigment liner pens (and nothing else), Sack draws building after building and road after road in scrupulous detail that leaves us in awe.

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Sack’s newest artwork: “A Single Note” (48″ diameter, 150″ (12.5 feet) circumference)

“A Single Note” detail

“A Single Note” detail


“A Single Note” detail

“A Single Note” detail

“A Single Note” detail

Time-lapse video:

Got wisdom to pour?



Ben Sack, Benjamin Sack, cityscape, cityscape drawing, cityscapes, detailed drawings, drawing, full-post, intricate drawings, landscapes, pen drawing, urban landscapes