Guy Spends 5 Years Illustrating 250 First World Problems, Meanwhile Taylor Swift Steals His Name

Published 6 years ago

Nils Sjöberg is an illustrator who runs a tumblr blog where he draws cheeky illustrations about various first world problems. Nils says the idea for these illustrations came when he could find a soda for his sick friend: “Did I cry over soda water? Yeah, sure I did. And that was where my blog idea was born”.

Since the start of the blog he has illustrated about 250 first world problems for people all over the world. Nils gets his inspiration from his followers: “People send me their problems, I let my followers vote on which one I shall pick, then I draw.”

Nils is a pretty funny guy, here’s a story he shared: “In 2016 I discovered that Taylor Swift used my name, Nils Sjöberg, as a pseudonym when writing pop songs with Calvin Harris. Definitely a first world problem. I illustrated it and it went crazy viral. In 2017 Taylor Swift buried me in her new video. I illustrated it again. And once again it went viral.”

Nils’ blog will turn five in September and the artist says time has come to move on with another project. But until then he plans on illustrating more first world problems and is happy to receive peoples’ suggestions.

Check out his hilarious illustrations in the gallery below!

More info: | h/t

Read more

#1 The Dentist Asks Me Questions While His Fingers Are In My Mouth

#2 Taylor Swift Buried Me (Nils Sjöberg) In Her New Music Video

#3 I Stepped On A Wet Patch On The Floor. Now I Have To Change Socks

#4 I Accidentally Turned On My Front-Face Camera

#5 My Smartphone Is Too Big For My Pocket

#6 The Guy Next To Me Occupies The Armrest At The Cinema

#7 The Banana Doesn’t Fit In My Banana Case

#8 Taylor Swift Uses My Name (Nils Sjöberg) As An Alias When She Produces Pop Songs

#9 I Have To Keep Holding On To The Hood Of My Coat When It Snows

#10 A Guy At The Gym Chose The Locker Below Mine, Even Though All Others Were Free

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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first world problem, first world problems, funny problem, Nils Sjöberg, problem, sad problem, simple, Taylor Swift