20 Twisted Comics By This Australian Artist That Might Keep You Guessing Until The End
Do you love reading those comics that have a crazy plot twist at the end? If yes, then you might love these illustrations by Mike Greaney. This Australian artist writes and illustrates his comics in such a way that you probably won’t be able to guess what would happen in the last panel of the comic strip.
In a recent interview with Bored Panda, Mike revealed that he gets inspired by all sorts of things and he also explained, “For shorter comics, I mostly try to think of something that would be fun to draw: a werewolf transforming, a bog witch, ghosts, etc., and try to think of a joke to justify the drawings. My longer form comics generally start with a question ‘what if you could spawn unlimited ducks?’ ‘what if a Twitter spam robot became sentient?’, and the characters and stories evolve out from there.” Check out some of Mike’s works in the gallery below.
More info: Instagram | twitter.com
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
Image source: Mike Greaney
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