33 Honest Comics That Perfectly Illustrate The Struggles Every Girl Faces Daily
Bella Sriwantana is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Belgium who creates honest and quirky comics about the struggles girls have to deal with daily. From putting on makeup to relationships, the artist’s comics are both funny and relatable.
In an interview with Bored Panda, Bella said that she started creating the illustrations as a comic diary for herself to remember things in a fun way and that all of her comics are based on her own personal encounters.
More info: Instagram
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
The artist was born in Thailand, raised in Los Angeles and worked as an Art & English teacher in Japan before settling in Belgium.
When asked about her style, Bella says it kind of like doodles drawn on scrap papers. “I’m not using a lot of techniques or tools to draw so my style always looks messy and imperfect. I was struggling to find my own style for a long time and it got stressful for me because I was trying to aim for perfection,” explained the artist. “Now that I found my own style, drawing and creating comics have become something that I can do more often to relieve stress and fulfill my passion.”
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
“I start with creating a sketch and then I can make a new line art and give some colors to it. I stick with the colorful color pallets so that my audience can get positive and cheerful vibes,” says Bella. Many of the artist’s comics also include her boyfriend and she says he’s very supportive of her and her passion. “He knows how much creating art means to me so he’s totally cool about it,” says Bella. “We are very happy that other couples can also relate to some of our fun moments.”
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
“I personally feel that when I know my comics can make someone smile, it makes it all worth it. I want to share the joy with other people and social media is a great platform to do it. In the beginning, I never expected that anybody would enjoy my comics at all because they are personal to me,” says the artist. “But now it’s overwhelming to receive a lot of wonderful feedback from the audience who can relate to my comics and I really appreciate this positive energy they gave me. I cannot thank them enough.”
Check out more of Bella’s comics in the gallery below!
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
Image source: bella.illustration
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