These Artists Are Illustrating The Incredible Facts About Our World (20 Pics)

Published 4 years ago

Just Keep Thinking is a project started by two Singapore-based artists Raye and MJ in which they create colorful illustrations featuring fascinating facts about our world. The two already have over 70 k followers on Facebook and the number just keeps on growing!

In a recent interview with Bored Panda, Raye said that MJ, the co-founder and host of their videos, comes from a scientific background while, she herself works with social media. “One day, she was explaining to me about random wildlife facts when we were traveling and she sparked a real want to learn in me that I haven’t felt since I was a kid,” explained Raye. “That inspired me to create a channel that amplifies her excitement for science and wildlife, and we hope more people will be able to feel the joy of learning through it.”

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Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg

Raye says that she always knew there was a demand for such content in Singapore but never expected their posts to go so viral. “I started out wanting our channel to fill that edutainment content void in the country, but we managed to get quite a number of overseas followers as time went by. I guess science is a universal language,” pondered the co-creator.


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg

A lot of the duo’s illustrations are based on the questions that intrigued them as they went through they day-to-day lives. “Most of the time, as we delve into researching these questions, some inspiration will spring up, some get turned into image posts while others become videos,” explained Raye.


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg

“Our bread-and-butter content revolves around life science, wildlife, and biology,” explained Raye. “Personally, I’m a tech person, so I have been testing out a few posts on applied science and physics, but those are pretty much still in development.”

In the future, the artists plan on collaborating with more people and creating more content to simplify science so everyone can enjoy learning. “We do have some ideas for expansion when we hit certain numbers, but those ideas are still pretty early in the baking process, so there really isn’t anything solid I can share with you at the moment,” concluded Raye.

Check out some more of MJ and Raye’s educational illustrations in the gallery below!


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg


Image source: JustKeepThinkingsg

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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facts, illustrated facts, illustrations, interesting facts, Just Keep Thinking