Designer Cleverly Hides Companies’ Activities And Names In His Minimal Logos

Published 6 years ago

Leo is a Lithuanian-based graphic designer whose work will definitely inspire any designer out there. His logo series called ‘Smart Logo’ incorporates two main aspects of the company whose logo he is creating – its activity and its name. And just like that, the logo becomes not only really pretty but also it catches everyone’s attention since it’s really interesting to see how the designer hid the name and the activity in the logo. This is not the first time we are amazed by unique and creative logos, if you enjoy Leo’s work, make sure you check Daniel Carlmatz’s minimalist logos as well.

Scroll down to see Leo’s work yourself, and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed!

If you want to see more of his logos, make sure you check his personal website.

(h/t Digital Synopsis)

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Rugile Matuseviciute

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illustration, Leo, logo, smart logo