Photographer Captures Wedding Using Only An iPhone And The Result Is Beautiful

Published 8 years ago

If you are photographing your wedding with an iPhone, you are either of extremely basic tastes or have an artistic idea. Sephi Bergerson is one of the latter and he managed to convince an Indian couple of his vision. And so it came to pass that Sephi Bergerson used an iPhone 6s Plus to record the 3-day Indian wedding fest of Ayushi and Abhishek in Udaipur in Rajasthan.

“What I like about the iPhone is it helps me get much closer to the subject and have eye contact,” says Bergerson. “With DSLR, the camera comes between me and the subject. The iPhone won’t replace the DLSR but it offers a completely new medium of photography.” Bergerson has been photographing Indian weddings for 7 years and the results of his work will be released as the book “Behind The Indian Veil: A Journey Through Weddings in India.”

More info: | facebook | amazon (h/t: mashable)

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“It has been a dream of mine for a long time, to shoot a complete Indian wedding only on the iPhone”


“The problem till now was…finding the couple that will agree and allow me to shoot their wedding like this”


Finally, one brave couple agreed to have their 3-day wedding photography done entirely on an iPhone


“I was not trying to document everything but rather focus on images that would later translate to the artistic vision that I had”


“Daytime pictures were fantastic, but the night still remained a bit tricky”


“There are so many filters and editing options. It gives instant gratification, much like the Polaroids of the 70’s”


“But low light photography was difficult…as the ISO limit was not letting me shoot without having motion blur”


“I had a hand-held LED light to help me get proper exposure”


“What I like about the iPhone is it helps me get much closer to the subject and have eye contact”


“The images that come out are somewhere between documentary or photo journalism and what I would call fine art, closer to paintings”


“If I give you a Jimi Hendrix guitar, you won’t be able to play like him. It is not about the gear”


The photographer:


Watch the video here:

Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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Ayushi and Abhishek, Behind The Indian Veil, Indian wedding, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone photography, iPhone vs DLSR, iphone wedding photography, iphone weddings, Sephi Bergerson, wedding, wedding photography