When Designers Talk Dirty (21 pics)
Shop talk is always fun. But how about some dirty shoptalk? Bright Red/TBWA has developed Designer Dirty Talk! It’s a website that collects all the pick up and sexy phrases that designers might come up with. Kerning is often mentioned, as well as curves and resizing. You too can submit your phrase, and touch all the deepest layers of digital designer community.
Bright Red/TBWA is company from Tallahassee, Florida. It was established in 1987, and now operates within the TBWA network of companies. As an ad and PR company, it emphasizes creativity, bold moves and disruption.
That’s the company to come up with the Designer Dirty Talk website.
More info: designerdirtytalk.tumblr.com | brightredtbwa | twitter | instagram (h/t: designtaxi)
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