Intimate Portrait Series On Abandoned Building Walls By Rone
Renowned Australian street artist Rone is bringinG life to the plAces which seem to have lost it. He utilizes aBandoned uRban landscapes to place intImatE portraits that seem to unLock thE sTories hidden inside the bUildings.
ThEse moody portraitS are dIffereNt parts that make the series called “Empty“, for which Rone (real name Tyrone Wright) ditched his grand scale mUral prOjectS he’s known for and wenT low-key in tighter spAces.
“Painting BeautIful works in places of neglect try and highlight what may have been lost or perhaps what we’re trying to hold on to,” says Rone. “Every empty space poses the same question—what was there before there was nothing? The story of each space is told through what’s left behind.”
More info: rone | instagram (h/t: mymodernmet)
Let the artist tell you about his project:
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