Photographer Finally Snaps Perfect Shot Of Diving Kingfisher After 6 Years And 720,000 Photographs
Hunting for the “perfect shot” can be a long and dedicated process. Alan McFadyen tooks six years and 720,000 photos to finally get the perfect picture of a diving kingfisher. He used to come to a spot near Kirkcudbright, Scotland for average 100 days a year, hoping to capture a perfect, splash-less dive.
McFadyen’s grandfather used to take him to the lake and observe nature when the photographer was but a six-year-old. He took photography six years ago and he wanted to take a picture like that as a tribute to his grandfather. McFadyen had set strict parameters for the shot: the beak had to make no splashes, the bird had to perfectly vertical and so on, which is why it took so long. The photographer hopes that his eight-year-old son will also share his love for nature.
More info: photographyhides.co.uk | Facebook | Twitter (h/t: boredpanda)
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So, I love this little shooter [ Kingfisher ]