Light Painting Photography Inspiration Tips

Published 9 years ago

Light painting is a technique used in photography with the help of flashlights, camera flashes and spotlights, to add light into the composition of a photograph. It is one of the most useful and enjoyable techniques used in night photography. It has been a constant struggle for many photographers to endeavour this, but there have been very few to have got the knack of it. Here are some useful pointers to keep in mind to master the skill of light painting in photographs.

Tools to be used in night photography

A tripod is one of the most essential tools to be used in such techniques, as it provides stability while being flexible and allows you to capture from every angle, keeping the camera steady when kept on long exposures.

A wide angle lens isn’t a necessity but a personal choice. It adds an extra element to night photography. And reaches out to a spectator more than expected.

A lens hood diminishes the entrance of light from different angles into your frame or outside of it.

A flashlight Is favourable when the backdrop is too dark and you wish to draw light to particular objects or frames. And highlighting that composition changes the outlook towards the photograph.

Creative night photography

When clicking photographs at night try to use different sources of light. Innovative and unique techniques will only make your photograph stand out from the rest. The use of dim lights creates softness in your photograph, giving you a satisfied result. To achieve an even more outstanding result, be sure to adjust the light intensity on any part of your frame based on where you’d like to draw light on, so that it evenly reaches out to the whole photograph.

Avoid the use of flashlights with hot spots, as these when moved around in the frame make no difference as it gives a sharp feel to the scenic photograph. However to save some money all you could do is tape wax paper or tissue paper over the flashlight lens to exclude the hot spots. But the hot spot does make for an amazing photograph when trying to depict detailed light patterns.

Reflections in the dark

Unlike clicking photographs in daylight, night photography requires immense skill and comprehension of the works of a professional camera. The ISO settings, exposure, wide angle aperture and the shutter speed and among the many features of the camera that need to be excelled. In such cases the use of natural light reflectors with the help of long exposures make an impression of an elaborate and rich photograph in the dark background. Of course if one wishes to use the professional camera with a little more of professional help, enrol yourself at the Painting Classes San Diego.

When going after dark to capture some shots, try keeping an eye for water bodies along the city scape, or buildings with glass like cascades and fountains against your composition.

Painting with light

Light painting also known as light drawing is a technique used in photography where the movement made holding a source of light is captured with long exposures and slow shutter speeds. Mainly to draw light upon certain objects in the dark or every throw direct light into the camera. Various sources of light can be used such as flashlights, candles, glow sticks and matches.

Along with light being the most integral part of this technique, give way to your crazy imagination and paint the town bright.

Image Credits: / By Artist: Leonid Afremov

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Kate is an entrepreneur & professional writer, who likes caring for others by sharing inspirational, motivational & valuable things.

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