Guy Sucks At PhotoShop, Spends 10 Years Using Microsoft Paint To Illustrate His Book

Published 5 years ago

Turns out, sometimes our resistance to learn something new and master a new skill can lead to something pretty amazing. Pat Hines, who couldn’t be bothered to learn Photoshop and illustrated his ebook using good old Microsoft Paint, is the proof. “I suck at Photoshop and other programs, and have worked exclusively in Microsoft Paint for over ten years… I honed my craft working long overnights at a hospital reception desk…,” the guy writes. That’s why when it came to choosing the program to create illustrations for his novel Camp Redblood And The Essential Revenge, he looked no further and just went for something he was already good at.

If you still have doubts about Hines using some other program, he suggests you to either download the pictures, and zoom in for a closer look, or go to his Deviantart page where he documents how he makes similar art in step-by-step pics.

The guy says that his self-published e-book is about a summer camp set in the 1980’s. Of course, it’s not just any ordinary camp – it’s surrounded by ghosts and monsters and “filled with goofy campers and counselors, where the teenagers are always trying to get drunk or laid…”.

More info: Camp Redblood And The Essential Revenge

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“I suck at Photoshop and other programs, and have worked exclusively in Microsoft Paint for over ten years…”

Click here for the full-size image.

“…I honed my craft working long overnights at a hospital reception desk…”

Click here for the full-size image.

“…Then decided to write and self-publish an e-book about a summer camp set in the 1980’s…”

Click here for the full-size image.

“…a summer camp surrounded by ghosts and monsters…”

Click here for the full-size image.

“…and filled with goofy campers and counselors, where the teenagers are always trying to get drunk or laid…”

Click here for the full-size image.

“…and getting into trouble…”

Click here for the full-size image.

“…and breaking into rival camps to carry out elaborate revenge schemes…”

Click here for the full-size image.

“…and not always succeeding.”

Click here for the full-size image.

The book is called Camp Redblood And The Essential Revenge

Click here for the full-size image.

Here are some more of his amazing MS Paint illustrations:

‘Mad Eye vs Voldemor’

‘The Mission’

‘Godric’s Hollow’

‘Jurassic Park VII’

‘Fantasy Team-Up’

‘Comic Book’

‘The Silver Doe’

‘Bill Gates in Microsoft Paint’


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With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.

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microsoft paint art, microsoft paint illustrations, ms paint art, ms paint artist, MS Paint drawings, ms paint ebook, ms paint illustrated book, ms paint illustrations, original book illustrations, pat hines, photoshop vs paint, redblood camp, the essential revenge