Moving Statues Of A Man And Woman Pass Through Each Other Daily, Illustrating Tragic Love Story

Published 9 years ago

Tragic love stories are timeless. Ali and Nino is the love story for Georgia and the country has an amazing statue dedicated to it. “The Statue of Love” commemorates the 1937 novel Ali and Nino about the tragic love of a Muslim Azerbaijani boy and Christian Georgian princess ultimately separated by the Bolshevik invasion. The statue is 23 feet/7 meters tall and it moves. When activated, the metal statues of a man a woman come closer until they kiss, then merge, then move through each other and separate. .

The author of the story is still hotly debated, only known by the pseudonym of Kurbain Said. At least three artists have laid claim to the name. Never the less, the novel is recognized as a masterpiece and an essential part of Georgian literature. The sculpture was designed by Tamara Kvesitadze, a Georgian artist.

More info: (h/t: aplus)

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Image source: olyagrebelnaya


Image source: estodipesto


Image source: kadirozgunduz


Image source: Rich McClear


Image source: el_questeto


Image source: Rich McClear

Here’s How The Moving Statues Look In Action:

Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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Ali and Nino, Baku, Georgia, Kurban Said, metal statue, moving statue, statue, Statue of Love, Tamara Kvesitadze