20 Photos Of The People Living In Yakutia, A Place Where It Gets As Cold As -58 Fahrenheit

Published 3 years ago

Aleksey Vasiliev is a photographer based in the remote Russian region of Yakutia, a freezing place where temperatures can get as low as -58 degrees Fahrenheit (-50 degrees Celsius). He is known for capturing the daily lives of Yakutians, and his photos are both fascinating and a little eerie.

In a recent interview with Bored Panda, the photographer admitted that he used to be an alcoholic in the past, and when he finally decided to stop drinking, he needed something to fill the void that quitting left. That’s when he got into photography. Aleksey says that he’s inspired by Yakutia, even though he used to dream of traveling the world. “Yakutia seemed to me like a hole, an icy desert,” said the photographer.

More info: Instagram | alexey-vasilyev.com | Facebook

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Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v

Until 2018, photography was nothing more than a hobby for Aleksey. But then he won a grant and went on to study documentary photography at the DocDocDoc photography school in St. Petersburg.


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v

The photographer explained that Yakutia has long and freezing winters, where the temperatures can drop all the way down to -50 or even -60 degrees Celsius (-58 Fahrenheit to -76 Fahrenheit). “This winter was really cold, so we had to live in -60 Celsius for a while,” said Aleksey. “If it were not for the daily need to go out, people would prefer to stay at home all the time, drink hot tea and wait for spring. In winter, life practically stops, a dense fog during severe frosts obscures the sunlight for several weeks or months.”

However, even despite that, Aleksey welcomes people to visit Yakutia: “You will never forget this trip in your life. I promise you.” See more of his photos below!


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v


Image source: lekon_v

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Aleksey Vasiliev, cold, cold region, freezing, photography, Russia, Yakutia