Identical Apartments, Different Lives In Photos By A Romanian Artist
I don’t know my neighbors at all. But Bogdan Girbovan at least knows how the apartments below his look. In his 10/1 project, he took his camera and photographed those apartments, starting with his own on the 10th floor. The old soviet apartments are all identical in planning (while western apartments apparently are a wild mishmash of walls and indoor pools), so it’s up to the people living there to give them color.
“I took a photograph of each apartment (the interior of each space) from the same angle, in order to better illustrate the mix of social classes in the block, displaying only differences in the character and design of the interior,” write Girbovan. “The rooms may be regarded as a psychological chart of those who live in them, reflecting their history and relation to present times.”
More info: girbovan.ro | facebook (h/t: ufunk)
Got wisdom to pour?
This is lovely, and very unique of of how the photographer decided to display his work. Very affectionate, bold and beautiful.
Some people have a full and rich life while others have an empty one, just look at the difference between the 6th and 7th floors.
My own apptmt. looks like the 6th floor here if not worse. Still, the first thing that crossed my mind how did the Photographer convince the people to let him in and shoot his picture. Not an easy task, and with the tenants in it too !
Dragut tare ^_^
Michael Wolf, http://photomichaelwolf.com/#100×100/1