The Melbourne Barbecue Festival Will Be Back for the 2016 Edition

Published 9 years ago

Great news for all barbecue lovers situated in Melbourne! The Melbourne Barbecue Festival which we all enjoyed so much in 2015 will be back in January 2016 for its next edition! For those of you who don’t remember it, the Melbourne Barbecue Festival is an amazing event, packed with action and with a duration of a whole week, which celebrates everything barbecue related. These celebrations usually include various events and classes in venues around Melbourne, featuring many local and international barbecue experts, which will give away curious tips and advice on creating culinary masterpieces. And of course, the most anticipated part of the program will be the barbecue street food festival at the Queen Victoria Market on 31.01.2016, where the residents and visitors of the city will be able to taste some of the most delightful barbecue dishes. Needless to say, the admission to the food festival is free.

Another great part of the Melbourne Barbecue Festival 2016 will be the barbecue competition, where the participants will compete in teams to win prestigious prizes. There are 4 categories for the barbecue competition – chicken, pork, pork ribs and beef brisket. In 2015 the big prize went to Jesse and Rachel, a husband and wife team from Melbourne. They won the great honour to be invited to various internationally renowned barbecue contests in the US, like the American Royal World Series of Barbecue Invitational and a chance to compete in the Jack Daniels World Championship Invitational Barbecue. The same honour awaits the winners in the 2016 edition of the festival.

So prepare yourself, because the fast approaching summer has prepared lots of fun and games for the Melbourne residents, and the Melbourne Barbecue Festival 2016 is only the beginning. To get you in the mood, here are a few pictures from the last year’s event.

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Australia, barbecue, festival, food, Melbourne