10 Stunning Underwater Installations By Jason DeCaires Taylor, Sculptor And Ocean Conservationist
Jason DeCaires Taylor is an artist and environmentalist whose captivating underwater sculptures have not only redefined art but have also served as powerful statements for ocean conservation. By combining his passion for sculpture with his commitment to protecting the marine environment, Taylor has created awe-inspiring works that explore the intersection of art, nature, and environmental responsibility. His underwater installations are designed to highlight the beauty of the ocean while drawing attention to the ecological threats it faces. Below are some of his most stunning creations, each blending art with ocean conservation in unique and thought-provoking ways.
In an interview with DeMilked , Taylor shared insights into his journey as an underwater sculptor and ocean conservationist:
How long have you been creating these sculptures?
“I’ve been creating underwater museums for over 20 years. My first installation, and the first of its kind in the world, was off the West coast of Grenada in 2006—Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park. From there, I went on to produce large-scale underwater projects worldwide, in places such as Mexico, the Bahamas, Spain, Indonesia, the Maldives, Norway, Australia, Cyprus, and most recently, Carriacou.”
What influenced or inspired you to pursue this particular art form?
“My passions for marine biology and art developed side by side, shaped by a childhood spent living by the sea. After studying art in college, I trained as a diving instructor and became an underwater naturalist. Gradually, my interests began to merge, and I started envisioning the underwater world as a gallery for art. The more time I spent in the ocean, the more captivated I was by its beauty—and the more aware I became of its fragility Everywhere I went, people would tell me, ‘You should have seen it 20 years ago; it was paradise.’ That feeling stayed with me, reinforcing my commitment to capture the ocean’s allure while drawing attention to the urgency of its preservation.”
Could you please share some insights into your creative process?
“Each project is unique, but my approach to generating design concepts is generally the same. I take inspiration from local communities and the surrounding environment. These elements are so important to ensure that the artworks are connected to the place they will remain for hundreds of years. Environmentally sensitive materials are used to create each sculpture to encourage marine life to flourish.”
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
Image source: Jason DeCaires Taylor
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