Students Design A Faucet That Saves Water By Swirling It Into Elegant Patterns

Published 9 years ago

Saving the environment is important – after all, we live there! Yet most of the time it’s hard to it in style. That’s no issue to Simin Qiu from London’s Royal Collage of Art. This student has designed a faucet that saves water while also swirling it into mesmerizing patterns! It also looks very sleek and modern, and what else could you want? Combine that with about 15% decrease in water usage and you’ve got yourself a winning ticket in your sink.

Qiu already won the Haier Special prize from iF Awards. Qiu himself is happy for the award and the ability to impact the world. It’s easy to see why: the faucet has three different modes of swirly, and is controlled by an elegant button, making it much cooler than any other faucet you might have. This is very much reflective of his philosophy of water being important and swirly in nature.

More info: behance (h/t: boredpanda)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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full-post, if Awards, London’s Royal College of Art, Simin Qiu, Swirl Faucet, water conservation, water conserving faucet, water saving, water saving faucet