10 Situations When Graphic Designers Should Say “No!”

Published 7 years ago

Trying to build a career from your art is proven to be quite tricky, especially in the beginning. You’re always in need of work and practice and you spend your days looking for clients and persuading them that you are, indeed, worthy of their time and, hopefully, money. Bending over backwards for your client’s needs, however, shouldn’t be a common practice, whether you’re an experienced professional or just started working in your field.

Pixelo, a company that provides design resources for creatives, has released with a video quoting the most common questions that graphic designers get, and firmly stating and there’s only one answer to them – “no”. Don’t want to pay any money? No. Want the artist to copy someone else’s work? No. Want to throw everything out the window on a whim and make the artist start all over again? No. Unless you’re willing to pay for it.

Scroll down below to read the rest of the advice and, if you’re an artist, don’t be afraid to stand your ground. We’re all in this together and we have your back.

Source: pixelo | facebook (h/t digital synopsis)

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bad clients, graphic design, graphic designer, graphic designer tips, things to say no to, tips, tips for creatives, work tips