Photographer Uses Drone To Capture The Beauty Of Skyscrapers In The United States (10 Pics)

Published 1 year ago

When it comes to urban photography, the main focus is usually on the busy streets, modern people, and tall buildings. But the top of those tall buildings often goes unnoticed by most photographers. Thus, photographer Chris Hytha decided to capture the topmost parts of America’s highest skyscrapers with the help of a drone. In an interview with DeMilked, he revealed, “I started photography when I first moved to Philadelphia to begin architecture school. My photo work has always been heavily inspired and influenced by the skillsets I learned at Drexel University.”

Talking about his inspiration, the photographer said, “The idea for the Highrises project came mid way through my work creating the Rowhomes Project. Through architecture school, representation was always my strongest skill. I love the idea of presenting architecture in a consistent and compelling way. This study started with Philadelphia Rowhomes, and I began to think of other building typologies that might yield an interesting collection. I settled on historic skyscrapers for their unique character. I decided to focus on just the tops of each building to highlight beautiful details high above street level that are not often seen.”

Chris further added, “My creative process for this project starts with appreciating the character of these old buildings. In Photoshop, I emphasize form, color and texture to bring out the details of each skyscraper.”

Check out some of his stunning photographs in the gallery below.

More info: Website | Instagram

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Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha


Image source: Chris Hytha

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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Chris Hytha, interview, photographer, photography, skyscrapers, skyscrapers captured with drones, urban photography, US skyscrapers