Artist Turns Mold And Bacteria Inspiration Into Unique Art Pieces Worth 100$

Published 6 years ago

Elin Thomas is a Bristol-based artist that re-creates dishes filled with mold and bacteria. Her artwork is definitely one of a kind as she builds her science experiments using a felted wool base, and then carefully crafting individual growths using different embroidery techniques.

Even though most of her work is created in authentic 8cm petri dishes, she also creates rings and other accessories using a similar mold-inspired style. You can buy her handmade pieces online and their price varies from 60$ to 145$. Elin definitely proves that you can take something weird or even a little bit disgusting and turn it into a unique and creative piece of art. Check out these creative art pieces yourself!

You can find more of her work on her personal website and on her Etsy.

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What might seem just a regular moldy petri dish

Is actually an art piece created by Elin Thomas

This Bristol-based artist re-creates moldy petri dishes and turns them into art

She uses felted wool base, and then carefully crafts individual growths using different embroidery techniques

This way Elin creates one of a kind pieces like you’ve never seen before

Elin also creates other types accessories that are inspired by mold

Rugile Matuseviciute

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art piece, bacteria, elin thomas, embroidery, Felted, mold, petri dish, wool