30 ‘Clients From Hell’: Freelancers Share The Worst Clients They’ve Ever Encountered (New Pics)

Published 2 years ago

Those working in customer service have always been taught that ‘customer is always right.’ Let’s be honest, they’re not. It’s certainly not always ‘the Karens’ wanting to speak to the manager. Unfortunately, there are way too many ‘bad eggs’ out there. Although so many clients are genuinely good people, it’s really hard to forget those who made you question the entire humankind.

Twitter account Clients From Hell (now rebranded as ‘Not Always Right’) shares some of the most ridiculous client encounters people had. The weirdest requests, rude answers, and awful attempts at showing who the smarter one is are what to expect from this Twitter page.

Have a thing for such stories? Check out Demilked previous article about ‘Clients from Hell’. But now, scroll down and have a look at what freelancers and designers had to share.

More info: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | NotAlwaysRight.com

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Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



bad clients, clie, client horror stories, Clients From Hell, clientsfh, Customer Service, Not Always Right, rude clients, worst client encounters, worst client stories, worst clients