People Are Sharing Pics Of The Worst Days They Had (30 New Pics)

Published 3 years ago

All of us experience a bad day every once in a while, where it seems like almost nothing is going our way. However, there are those extremely rare occasions where calling our day “bad” simply doesn’t cut it, and “an absolute disaster” starts to sound a lot more suiting. And if you haven’t experienced such a day yet, go buy a lottery ticket – because not everyone is as lucky as you.

People are sharing photos of the worst days they had, and they’re so terrible, it’s actually pretty funny. From spilling thousands of tiny beads all over the floor to having a bunch of fire retardant dropped on your head while tying your shoe, check out some of the worst things that happened to people on bad days in the gallery below! And if you want more, see our previous posts here and here!

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#1 Are We There Yet?

Image source: mohicansgonnagetya

#2 Yesterday

Image source: KidFlashj11

#3 I Am An Asian That Finally Used The Iris Recognition Technology On His Phone

Image source: aFriendlyAlien

#4 Door Was Jammed Form Inside So Phoned A Guy To Repair It. He Managed To Open It, Left His Tools Outside, Came Inside And Shut The Door. Now We’re Both Stuck

Image source: moghees

#5 Just Lost Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Product At Work. Most Likely Getting Fired

Image source: Taclysis

UPDATE: It’s bell pepper, about $250 a kilo and we lost 20 kilos in total. What happened was I was discharging the product inside the container and I thought I was completely done because none was coming out. I undo all of the screws, lift it up, and a shit ton poor’s out. It turned out that the valve closed due to the vibration of the pump motor and there was a lot of leftover. No one will see it, hopefully. Most of the employees only use Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

UPDATE: I didn’t get fired! But I do have to go back to that order and make another 20 kilos which will be a long day. They were really understanding and forgave me for my mistake. Thank god I didn’t lose my job!

#6 I Spilled 50,000 2mm Glass Beads On The Ground And I Now Have To Sort Them By Hand

Image source: Myosonami

#7 When The Tiger Shark You’re Photographing Swims Off With Your Camera Rig

Image source: Jim Abernethy

#8 I Just Found Out This Isn’t Me. My Parents Never Took Out The Stock Photo And It’s Been There For Like Ten Years

Image source: Pugrito-815

#9 My Mom Accidentally Printed Her Divorce Papers On Stickers

Image source: lmhimes75

#10 Oh No

Image source: cameronmattis

#11 When Your Cabinet Decides It’s Time To Break Lose And Come Crashing Down The Day You Install Your Brand New Glass Top Stove

Image source: thorisadog

#12 My Boss Didn’t Realize That There Was An Envelope Of Cash On Her Desk Before Using The Shredder

Image source: Flying-Tilt

#13 My 12 Year Old, Allergic To Nearly Everything

Image source: airlee77

#14 Someone Accidentally Set Off The Fire Suppression System In A Military Hanger

#15 This Vet Trip Is Off To A Bad Start

Image source: MiddleFroggy

#16 Went Camping, Set A New Bug Bite Record

Image source: Donalds_neckfat

#17 Someone In Australia Was Tying Their Shoe When A Fire Bombing Plane Had To Drop Their Load Due To Turbulence

Image source: nerdroberts

#18 Prepared Cinnamon Toast Crunch In The Dark. It Was Cheez-Its

Image source: songbird808

#19 I Got This Bread From Whole Foods. More Like Hole Foods

Image source: igothitbyacar

#20 My Multi-Million Dollar Health Care Company Said They Were Getting Us A Present For Being Essential Workers. We Got A Baggie Of Masks

Image source: Keywork29

#21 Good Morning

#22 Didn’t Realize One Of My Glove Fingers Broke Until I Was Done Dyeing My Hair

Image source: fibbybritches

#23 Just Set Up New Monitor, Chair Slipped Under Me And I Hit The Desk, And Monitor Fell And Broke. Happy Friday

Image source: Shanghai_Pete

#24 Don’t Leave Your Kayak Out In The Sun

Image source: tyrannosaurus_fred

#25 So Much For Changing The Battery

Image source: Astrofluke

#26 No Explanation Needed

Image source: IRatherChangeMyName

#27 You Ever Mess Up Burgers So Bad That Even Your Grill Is Surprised?

Image source: Bloodycrabs

#28 When You Come Home And Your House Doesn’t Smell Like Pot Roast

Image source: HomerTigerBoo

#29 Dropped My Full Can Of Tuna In The Drain

Image source: CheesecakeGlock

#30 I Do Calligraphy. I Misplaced The Circled In Character, Which Is Part Of A 300 Word Scroll That I Almost Finished After 5 Days Of Work, 200 Characters In

Image source: SomeFoolishHooman

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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bad day, fails, funny, people having a bad day