20 Product Ideas That Should’ve Better Been Scratched

Published 2 years ago

I can’t be the only one who keeps seeing the weirdest stuff advertised on Facebook. And 99.7% of the time, it’s something from Wish or AliExpress. Did you know that you can filter the items on Wish and type in ‘Weird Stuff’ and a bunch of items will come up? Even Wish knows that some of their items are on the odd side.

This shouldn’t probably come up as a surprise for you, that by now there is a dedicated Twitter account sharing “The Worst Things For Sale” found online. The creator Drew Fairweather ‘cherry-picks’ ‘the Internet’s most horrible items’ daily and shares them with his followers.

Demilked has selected some of the strangest things you can purchase online. Let us know, whether you would buy any of these? After reading this one, check out Demilked previous articles of the weirdest items found on Wish here & here.

More info: Twitter, TheWorstThingsForSale.com

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Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



bad products, strangest items on sale, strangest items to buy, The Worst Things For Sale, TWTFSale, worst products ever