This Graphic Designer Decided To Give Her Colleagues DIY Ceramic Miniatures Instead Of Christmas Cards

Published 2 years ago

Christmas is all about gifts, cakes, and cards! However, with changing times, people are tweaking some of these traditions to make them even better. Veronika Mcquade, a graphic designer, decided to create her own DIY souvenirs to gift her colleagues instead of giving them Christmas cards. The artist took a ceramics class in September last year. “I still take classes and occasionally drop into the studio for some more time making,” she tells DeMilked.

Veronika further elaborates, “I love the work of Eleonor Boström and Joey Ruthers who make beautiful (and sometimes also tiny) ceramics. These little ceramics were a last-minute idea for little Christmas presents for my colleagues, it felt more special than a regular Christmas card.”

The artist also emphasizes upon the benefits of this beautiful art form saying, “Working with pottery is very immersive, it really forces me to concentrate and to step away from my mobile phone for a few hours.” Check out some of her wonderful works in the gallery below.

More info: Website | Twitter | Instagram

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Image source: Ron McQuade


Image source: Ron McQuade


Image source: Ron McQuade


Image source: Ron McQuade


Image source: Ron McQuade


Image source: Ron McQuade


Image source: Ron McQuade


Image source: Ron McQuade


Image source: Ron McQuade

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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art, artist, ceramic miniatures, christmas souvenirs, clay mate, graphic designer, interview, mini souvenirs, souvenirs, Veronika Mcquade