20 Most Creative And Clever Street Art Created By This Artist

Published 1 year ago

Street art looks pretty cool, don’t they? However, it takes an extra spark of creativity and an eye for detail to create the sort of street art that can cleverly make use of its surroundings and location to give it extra depth.

Frank de Ruwe aka “Frankey“, a street artist based in Amsterdam, breathes new life into dull and boring streets with his humorous and clever art. His subtle witty artworks pop up in unexpected locations to surprise people. Check out some of the most fascinating ones in the gallery below.

More info: Instagram | frankey.com

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Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey


Image source: streetartfrankey

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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art, clever interventions, clever street art, Frank de Ruwe, Frankey, street art, witty street art