Photographer Captures The Rough Reality Of COVID-19 At Hospitals (10 Pics)
Many hospitals around the world are absolutely overfilled with coronavirus patients, and the overworked staff is doing all it can to help each and every one of them. But hearing about it and actually seeing it are two different things – and Houston-based photojournalist Go Nakamura wants to show the true reality of doctors fighting COVID-19 at the United Memorial Medical Center.
The man has visited UMMC over 20 times since May and has taken numerous heartbreaking photographs during that time. In an interview with Buzzfeed, Go said that when he first visited the hospital, the COVID unit had 20 beds, and throughout the summer that number has risen to 30.
More info: Instagram
#1 Nov. 26. Dr Joseph Varon Comforts A Patient With Coronavirus Disease. I Am Grateful To Witness A Wonderful Moment And I Thank All The Medical Staffs For Their Hard Work Even During The Holiday Season
Image source: go nakamu
#2 Members Of The Medical Staff Rest In The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit At The United Memorial Medical Center On July 2 In Houston
Image source: go nakamu
There are some pretty strict rules when it comes to taking pictures in the COVID ward. Go had to wear full personal protective equipment, and couldn’t take any pictures that would identify the patient. “When I go into the Covid ward with the doctor, he asks the patient for me if I can come in with him. Many of the patients are unconscious, but those who are conscious will say no or yes,” explained the photographer. “Those who say no, I wait outside. For those that say yes, I have been strictly instructed that I should not take a picture of the faces of the patients, so every time I take a picture, I hide their faces behind the devices, IV pumps or electrocardiograms. I think if I could just show the faces of the patients, it would be a much stronger photo and much easier for me to frame. So it is a challenge.”
#3 A Medical Staff Member Grabs A Hand Of A Patient To Reposition The Bed In The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit On Oct. 31 In Houston
Image source: go nakamu
#4 Members Of The Medical Staff Treat A Patient Who Is Wearing A Helmet-Based Ventilator In The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit On July 28 In Houston
Image source: go nakamu
“It is very rough inside. I am not a medical specialist, so I am not used to seeing the harsh stuff,” says the photographer. “Sometimes I want to cover my eyes, but I have to take the photo, and I want the people to know how others are struggling — of course the patients but also the medical workers.”
#5 Medical Staff Member Jaqoues Bistre Varon Flips A Patient In The Prone Position In The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit On Dec. 7
Image source: go nakamu
#6 Iv Pumps And Electrocardiogram Machines Are Seen In A Patient’s Room In The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit On Dec. 7 In Houston
Image source: go nakamu
#7 A Medical Staff Member Rests In Front Of A Fan In The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit On June 30 In Houston
Image source: go nakamu
#8 Medical Staff Wearing Full Ppe Push A Stretcher With The Body Of A Patient Who Died Of The Coronavirus To A Car Outside Of The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit On June 30 In Houston
Image source: go nakamu
#9 Medical Staff Member Gabriel Cervera Rodriguez Closes His Eyes While Taking A Short Break In The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit On Dec. 2
Image source: go nakamu
#10 Medical Staff Members Treat A Patient In The Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit On Nov. 10 In Houston
Image source: go nakamu
Got wisdom to pour?
It’s really terrible footage and I can imagine the hard work these people do every day. Lately I’ve started doing tests more often with the help of the site https://personichealthcare.com/ which gives such a solution near me)