Pencil vs Camera by Ben Heine
Belgian painter Ben Heine has been taking photos and drawing almost since he was 10 years old. This “Pencil Vs Camera” series is nothing but the result of several years of graphic exploration and a logic consequence of his artistic evolution, says Ben.
“Reading my letter before putting it in the envelope, I saw in transparency the television behind the paper. I then realized it would be great to make something similar in a single image showing 2 different actions.I went outside and Drew “Pencil Vs Camera 1″ which is very simple and shows 2 chairs with a small table. About ¼ of the scene is represented on the paper, the other ¾ happens on the photo.”
More info: benheine.com | flickr
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Got wisdom to pour?
Okay, he took the photo of the donkey. Then, he drew a drawing and photographed the drawing over the photo. It is not that tough to think about. Why the heck would a guy lie about this?
You don’t appreciate the essence of the art. Okay, can you create a sketch like that? Can you do what he does? You discriminate it without even showing what you’ve got. Ben Heiner is a great artist! I know that he can do more than that!
If he freehanded the images, placed them in the appropriate spot, and snapped a photo I would be impressed. However it looks like his hand and paper is photoshopped in, and the linework was done after the fact. While this may be a decent idea, and the photography is pretty good, assuming it was freehanded and placed perfectly is what gives it its charm. If it was photoshopped which it appears to be, it just loses its luster. Hell I may be wrong.
amazing high-quality photos . Love his art
cool idea! I also liked his flickr feed, some really nice photos here
beautiful photos and amazing idea :)
isn’t that girl in the third picture from south park?
ha ha, i thought the same thing LOL
this guy is incredible, he also has insane photography skills!
Is it photoshop? I’ve never thought it could be :)
It has to be photoshopped – absolutely no question. Look at the donkey one, and try and work out how it could be done without Photoshop. The only options – he can talk to donkeys, or he was waiting a very long time indeed for them to form the right pose.
I’d prefer it to be done for real – sure the matches would be less good, but the way he does it loses a lot of the magic.