50 Embarrassing Design Mistakes You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

Published 6 years ago

Some ideas look better on paper than they do in real life. Some are questionable even on paper, but there is no one there to double-check them. At least it seems that way when looking at these product design fails that are too ridiculous not to laugh.

From unfortunately shaped popsicles, to the menacing looking fountain filled with crimson-colored water – the mistakes will show you why you always should always carefully consider your concepts before showing them to the rest of the world.

Scroll down to see the epic fails and if you’re eager for more, be sure to check out our previous posts here and here.

(h/t boredpanda)

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#1 Pretty Sure He’s Using It Wrong

Image source: AdamBarnhouse

#2 Proofreading This Book Couldn’t Have Been That Hard

Image source: UltraLaser23

#3 Probably It’s More Convenient

Image source: Bobik42

#4 These Wipes

Image source: YourResidentRussian

#5 My Workplace Installed The Automatic Towel Dispenser Over The Automatic Sink

Image source: leather-muffin

#6 My Company Wanted To Make Our Fountain Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness Didn’t… Quite Get It Right

Image source: BoeJenjamin

#7 What Way Was The McDonald’s Again?

Image source: joeri_poeri

#8 Unfortunate Dog Placement

Image source: JordJJones

#9 Pulling Tissues From This Box Feels… Uncomfortable

Image source: Teapotfox

#10 It’s A Trap!

Image source: RiffRaff161

#11 All-Or-Nothing Tap

Image source:  iwasdoingfinelurking

#12 This Habitat For Humanity Van

Image source: EasterChimp

#13 Inflatable Pirate Castle

#14 This Clock Store

Image source: whysofew

#15 Professor, I Can’t Get These Audio Files In Our Textbook To Play

Image source: j0m1n1n

#16 Getting Mixed Signals Here

Image source: goodnight_hamlet

#17 Then Why’d You Give This Nickel To Me

#18 Tunashamed

Image source: the_blueprint

#19 A-Maza-Ing – Design

#20 “And As Your Child Gets Older, Simply Adjust The Head Restraint”

Image source: FlawlessC0wboy

#21 Checked Into Our Airbnb And Found These Tiles

Image source: ccrone

#22 Ice Lollies Have Changed Since I Was A Kid

Image source: theomeny

#23 So Sad About Not Having Any Diabetic Friends Man…

Image source: why_you_wanna_know

#24 Teaching Kids Terrible Things At Wellington Zoo

Image source: FinnMac93

#25 “Warning – Made In China”

Image source: baklavainabalaclava

#26 Seems Like A Rather Violent Resolution

Image source: ohaii

#27 My Uncle Had No Idea Why We Kept Laughing At His Shirt

Image source: DrMcIntire

#28 My Uncle Has A Great Sense Of Humor

Image source: JBSpartan

#29 Wouldn’t Want To Mistake This For Cereal

Image source: kriburnsy

#30 Why Akron Zoo Why?

Image source: imgur.com

#31 Don’t Open It Karen

Image source: enifa

#32 I Only Saw The Left Window At First And Got Very Confused

Image source: generationfire

#33 Paw Concentration Camp

Image source: rabidJaql

#34 I Saw This On Facebook, But I Must Share It With You

Image source: yoziphek

#35 This Company Really Values Their Customers’s Opinions

Image source: Mixyan

#36 My Son’s Educational Alphabet Puzzle

Image source: blitterer

#37 Not Fine. Not Fine At All

Image source: ThatGameBoyle

#38 Nike Shoes But No Pants

Image source: TheOnlyHarkman

#39 This Advice

Image source: Montizcake

#40 Safe Sex Campaign On My Campus Handed These Out

Image source: wrags23

#41 This…

#42 This Restaurant’s First Letter Is K, So They Put That Letter In Each Of The Windows

Image source: MercurySG3M

#43 New Last Jedi Action Figure Hints At Snoke’s True Identity

Image source: umbro_tattoo

#44 Celebrate With Dad…

Image source: Rhyso1818

#45 Maybe Turkish Airlines Isn’t The Best Choice…

Image source: oman3

#46 Ummm

Image source: JessBee1

#47 Unhelpful Signage

Image source: mattk1017

#48 Logo For A Children’s Hospital. Right Side Up Is A Man Juggling/Playing With Kids. Upside Down Is An Angry Man Stomping On Kids

Image source: bb_or_not_bb

#49 He Could At Least Make An Effort

Image source: Infectt

#50 There’s Something Unsettling About This Mannequin

Image source: noisyturtle


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crappy design, design fails, epic design fails, funniest design fails, funny design fails, hilarious design fails, worst design fails