“What’s The Craziest Dare You Did Or Seen Someone Do In A Game Of Truth Or Dare?” (25 Answers)
Truth or dare is one of the most common games played worldwide. The game is usually conducted in good faith and can be quite fun, whether as a child, in college or in adult hang-outs. But sometimes the dares can go a little far.
Recently, when a curious Redditor asked online what was the craziest dare people had done or seen, folks recalled when what should have been a simple dare quickly escalated into a chaotic situation. From eating slugs to walking 100,000 steps in a day, scroll to read the funniest stories shared in the gallery below.
Image source: DRHORRIBLEHIMSELF, Josue Michel/unsplash
We were at the dorms and dared our friend who had just gotten accepted to a culinary school (not even taken a lesson yet), to make us a fancy dinner with the dorm room appliances (toaster oven, george foreman grill, hotplate).
He got up and left. We assumed it was because he was tired of us always making fun of him wanting to be an Iron Chef — he watched it all the time.
Nope, his a*s came back with groceries and made us a f*****g short rib dish that I still think about to this day. And this was 22 years ago.
Image source: Abomb, Patrick Federi/unsplash
So not exactly a game of truth or dare but used to work in commercial diving, and one day we had a job at a sewage treatment plant, sure enough- diving in poo.
Well me (civilian) by buddy (marine) and our other coworker (Navy, former BUDS, medically discharged from being injured) were trying to figure out who was diving and who was tending.
Me and my marine buddy definitely didn’t want to dive in sewage and BUDS guy still very much had that sort of headstrong macho personality.
So we go up to him and say “Hey (guy) bet you’re too much of a b***h to dive in that s**t”
To which he responded “f**k you guys I’ll dive in that s**t”
And he did. Guess he showed us lol.
Image source: Varenixa, Izzy Park/unsplash
In 6th grade, my girlfriend dared me to kiss her best friend. I went for it, and she got angry, saying it was a test – and I failed.
Image source: Brief-Jaguar3111, Cassie Lopez/unsplash
It was only “crazy” in context but: My two-faced “friend” dared the guy I liked (who she also liked) to kiss the prettiest girl there (she got the idea after seeing “The Perks of Being A Wallflower” 🙄) and I’m sure her logic was that my dude wasn’t going to choose me because we were super close friends and he didn’t want to make it awkward.
However, unbeknownst to her, he and I had just started dating, we just hadn’t told anyone. So he just looked at me, smiled mischiviously and went in for a full kiss with tongue with me that shocked everyone.
Image source: CoolHandRK1, Nik/unsplash
Drunk truth or dare jenga in college, girl pulled a piece that the dare was “prank call your parents.” It was like 3am and she called them and only repeated the phrase “peace in the middle east” over and over until they hung up. But then they showed up at the dorms the next day to take her home thinking she was either on d***s or had snapped. Small town, super religious family, so “i was drunk and it was funny” wasnt flying with them.
Image source: TawnDC, Toa Heftib/unsplash
Land Shark: At party, strip naked, get carried in plank position above the heads of 4 guys with a frisbee clenched between a*s cheeks to look like shark fin while everyone sings Baby Shark song….
Image source: Flaxmoore, Ivana Cajina/unsplash
Landed on a fraternity (the group is co-ed, but we still call it a fraternity) brother of mine, and it was “Dare- make out with (the guy next to you)”. They started making out like a gay p*rno.
Turns out they were both gay and sat next to each other hoping for that one.
Image source: unsungZer0_1, Ksenia Yakovleva/unsplash
I went to Catholic school for high school. I grew up in the hood and was not at all like the kids that went there. I played football and was good enough to where the QB liked me. He invited me to a party he was having. This is freshman year, by the way.
He said it was a farm party… my dumb a*s showed up in overalls and boots. Dude, when I tell you I saw more d***s in this kids’ house than Charlie Sheens’ urine test. It was a PHARM party. Pharmacy party! Kids brought d***s from home, parents’ prescriptions, and s**t. One kid there dared one of the cheerleaders to down some random a*s pills with vodka…
I dipped outta there so fast right then and there. I wanted no part of that s**t. I’ve seen what being an accomplice can do to a person’s future. Apparently, she jumped on the poker table, stripped naked, and collapsed. She went to the ER (shocker, right?). She got her stomach pumped, came back to school a week later or so later, and just acted like it was a normal Monday.
Rich white kids are a different breed…
Image source: cruiserman_80, Townsend Walton/unsplash
19yr old Australian football player Sam Ballard ate a slug at a party on a dare and contracted Rat Lungworm disease.
In a coma 420 days.
Woke up fully paralysed and had to be fed through a tube.
Died 8 years later.
Image source: Blankasbiscuits, Thad Zajdowicz/flickr
A buddy I was living with once told me it is impossible to walk more than 100,000 steps in a day. I called b******t, he dared me to prove him wrong Welp, I did the math and it is roughly 52 ish miles with how tall I am. Bought a pedometer, and set out at 3 am and walked from Lemon Grove California to Poway. I finished around 11pm and got an Uber back, woke his a*s up and showed him the proof.
Never tell me what I can’t do
EDIT: Really appreciate the John Locke comments. I had to look him up. For those of you saying “why didn’t you do a round trip?” Within 12 hours of him saying I couldn’t do it, I was already walking to prove him wrong. Didn’t really map it out, just kept heading in a general direction.
Image source: DocBarkevious, Jarritos Mexican Soda/unsplash
My senior year in HS, in art class, it always kind of quiet and me and him were like the local jesters providing commentary for the class to laugh too, for weeks my boy kept daring me to “Chug a 20oz non stop, chug a 64 oz non stop, chug X” (And this was of soda, I was 17)…so one day he says “Chug a 2litre of orange crush without stopping”, so we waited a week or so and came into 6th period, after a week, a bunch of random kids came into class to see this happen…my art teacher was like “WTF is this! Why is everyone here?”
So long story short….I finish the 2 liter….without stopping, I slam it down, people cheer…and then like 10 seconds later it hit me….thankfully I was right next to a huge trash bin, I vomited ALLLLLOFDAT out, through my mouth, nose, eyes, anywhere it could come out of. I still dont drink orange soda to this day lol. I did the dare though.
Image source: No-Paleontologist503, Getty Images/unsplash
I bet a mate $1 to swallow a $1 coin. He was thoroughly pissed when I told him I had already paid up but he would have to wait.
Image source: shadowsog95, Doc-in-a-box/reddit
Not really in a game of truth or dare but I once had a friend in high school who I told I could squirt milk (any liquid but milk is white so easier to see) out of my eyes one day during lunch. He smuggled his milk into biology class a few days later and dared me to do it before the teacher had gotten there (the bell hadn’t rung yet.)
Now the process in which this is done is you breath the milk into your nose until you feel it in the back of your throat. If you have a glass you can make a seal with your mouth and kind of hide that your using your nose, also you really need to fill both nostrils so out of a school milk bottle I had to do it one nostril at a time and couldn’t hide how it was working. Also this takes a bit of time because you have to overcome an instinctive panic of drowning while filling air cavities with liquid. So the bell rang and the teacher arrived when I was still on nostril 1 and he waited to see what was going on and I sat there and finished and plugged my nose and squirted/cried all the milk out of my eyes. Then I got in trouble. .
Image source: leviathan755, Natalia Blauth/unsplash
Okay, so this one time during Truth or Dare at a party, my friend got dared to swap clothes with the guy sitting next to her like, full outfit swap. She was in a dress, and he was in jeans and a hoodie. They actually did it! She came back wearing his baggy clothes and he was awkwardly sitting there in her sparkly dress, trying not to trip over his feet. The best part? He totally rocked it, and we all agreed he should’ve kept the dress.
Image source: citytosuburb, Prize-Accident5312/reddit
Teens in shop class during school hours dared a less popular kid to snort a line of Ajax Cleaner. They set up a thick line and he did it in one go. I honestly thought I just witnessed a crime. He survived but I imagine he did himself some damage.
Image source: danielle_is_azn, Go to funny r/funny • 4 yr. ago successfully_failing/reddit
I was at a summer camp in Maine in the early 2000s of maybe a hundred teens? We had just had breakfast of pancakes and the leftovers had to of been thrown out for the birds to eat.
While walking out of the main door dining hall, a seagull was very awkwardly flying, in obvious trouble/distress as it collided with the side of the building. It rolled around on the ground and threw up a pancake just about whole! A guy picks it up and immediately a bunch of us are emptying our pockets totaling like $8-12 bucks daring him to eat the pancake.
With out thinking friggin guy eats the pancake whole, no syrup. Dude collected his money and prob used it later for burgers and or drinks at a little corner ice cream grille in town.
Image source: illustriousocelot_, Guillaume Issaly/unsplash
I know a 21-year-old girl who was on a break from her 21 year-old boyfriend (not broken up, but on a break). She was also really mad at him.
Her s**t stirring best friend dared her to give her bf’s 18yo brother head…and she did. They were both pretty drunk when it happened.
She took a picture of it and sent it to the boyfriend.
For some reason, she thought this would merely upset him, not spell the end of their relationship.
He ended up cropping his brother‘s face out, printing it out, making copies and leaving them all over their lecture hall right before class.
It was very ugly, obviously.
**EDIT:** the person who took/sent the picture was the girlfriend giving the bj, not her friend.
Image source: lifesnotperfect, Christian Wiediger/unsplash
Friends and I were playing poker – if you lose a hand you take a truth or dare.
I ended up losing my hand after going all in and took a dare. As extra punishment for the crushing loss I had to eat one of my friend’s very hot homegrown chilis, get naked and run two blocks down to the nearby grass oval, do a lap there, and run back up into his apartment.
The nude part was fine since it was late at night and only a few cars passed. The worst part was actually running after eating such a spicy chili. Each breath I took while running was f*****g HELL because of how much it burned; like fanning a fire to get it roaring hot.
I was jogging, tears in my eyes. One hand holding my c**k, the other wiping my tears away, all while crying. Never doing that again.
Image source: baleko, baleko/imgur
17 year old me in high school. Yes, this was in Florida. My friend (let’s call him Dan) decided he was going to be a professional stunt man in the future. Dan insisted he knew the proper technique to be hit by a car and “take zero damage.” He knew I had a beater truck so the chance of any damage to the vehicle was minimal.
Long story short, he sprained his wrist and bruised his shoulder getting hit in the school parking lot. I still have the recording (no I’ll never share it) and I really don’t understand how he didn’t break his neck, thank god. 2 years later he asked me to try again and completely shattered my windshield.
Edit: f*** it. Here’s the link: https://imgur.com/a/1MYCCUZ
Edit 2: I got permission. Here’s the first hit: https://imgur.com/a/Fwn0WdX.
Image source: YodasChick-O-Stick, Mitch Fox/unsplash
Someone got dared to poop off the roof of a building. Some serious s**t went down.
Image source: ireadwhat, Natalie Agatha/unsplash
Jump an electric fence and ride a cow. She made it over the fence and ended up like shin deep in cow s**t, she never even made it to the cow bc her uggs got super stuck in all the cow manure.
Image source: ToastQueen13, Roberta Sorge/unsplash
One of the kids I went to school with was dared to drink a can of used oil in shop class. No one thought he actually would.
He was both hospitalized and kicked out of the tech school at the end of his junior year of high school. His senior year, he had to make up ALL of the credits he was otherwise excused from because he did not complete 3 full years of his program at said tech school.
To his credit, he did actually graduate on time.
Image source: breakbats_nothearts, Getty Images/unsplash
9th grade. Standard hormonal teens just doing dumb teen s**t. Kiss him, touch her b**b, flash us for 2 seconds, slap his a*s, etc. One of the girls decides to just go all in and dares one of the more wild guys to f**k his water bottle.
He says sure. If they can get him hard. Girls flash him. Naturally, he gets hard… with his soft d**k already in the water bottle. He begins to try to f**k it and finds it’s stuck. The girls think it’s funny, the guys understand the severity of the situation. He begins to sob. Like, hysterical, “ARE THEY GOING TO HAVE TO CUT MY D**K OFF?!” sobbing. This was pre-cell days (barely) so I ran to the nearest classroom because of course this was happening on school grounds, explain to a teacher what was going on. 911 was called. Lots of people got suspended. Me and one other kid dodged a bullet by being the “responsible” ones by running for help so we didn’t get in any trouble. But his d**k stayed attached and he immediately changed from one of the school f**karounds to an incredibly devout church goer.
Image source: Dr4cul3, Markus Spiske/unsplash
Not super crazy at the time but I knew a kid who snorted a line of crushed up gravel which was mostly quartz once.. Didn’t think too much of it at the time but later in life I learned about silicosis and immediately had flashbacks to that kid directly inhaling bits of silica… I wonder how he’s going from time to time.
Image source: Jdawg_mck1996, lucas Favre/unsplash
Small town living. Raced a couple of buddies butt naked down main street at about 2am. Our clothes were on the finish line.
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