This Artist Creates Portraits Of Insects Without Using Any Insects At All (20 Pics)

Published 1 year ago

A Montreal-based artist, Raku Inoue, is a nature lover and most of his artworks revolve around flora and fauna. In his project “Natura Insects”, he creates portraits of butterflies, moths, ants, beetles, spiders, dragonflies, and many other insects just by using flower petals, leaves, and twigs. Before using organic materials, Raku used to experiment with different materials and techniques. He finally found his unique style in mid-2017 and continues to create different organisms with organic materials.

In an interview with DeMilked, Raku revealed that his love for nature and living things inspires his artworks. “I always loved being outdoors so naturally, I gravitated toward arts that reflected this love toward nature,” he says, “I guess my curiosity for them played a part also. Even a simple walk in a park will get my creative juice flowing.”

The artist further explained his creative process saying, “It is an extension of nature with a touch of artistry. In other words, I like to highlight the raw beauty of nature and re-interpret them in a personalized way.”

Check out some of his stunning works in the gallery below.

More info: Website | Instagram

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Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue


Image source: Raku Inoue

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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art, artist, flower insects, insect portraits, interview, natura insecta, portraits made with flowers, Raku Inoue