Single-Handed Cutting Board Is A Great Solution For People With Disabilities

Published 8 years ago

For many of us, any sort of cooking is not an easy task. But just imagine the difficulties facing the folks who can use only one hand to do it. Fortunately, designer Sichen Sun has been working hard to help them out.

The U.S based designer learned the ins and outs of the situation while observing people who do their cooking single-handed. She has learned a great deal from them as most have already figured out clever workarounds to compensate their lack of second hand.

Their input and the creative mind of Sichen Sun has produced a clever design called Better Cut. The cutting board uses adjustable gears and clamps that hold down food and move it across the board.

Take a look at the final result and the conceptual journey Sun went through to achieve it.

More info: sichen sun (h/t: neatorama)

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Science behind it:


The whole design went through a couple of different prototype stages to test out how the idea works and feels.


Designer learned a great deal from people who already cook single-handed.


Final sketches.


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cutting board, disabilities, food prep, kitchen design, kitchen gadgets, one handed cutting board, Sichen Sun, single handed cutting board