Guy Can’t Get Enough Of His Dog So He Supersizes Him
You can never have enough good friends – and the bigger the friends the better!
With a little Photoshop magic, photographer Christopher Cline has managed to turn his furry four-legged friend into a giant super friend!
Here’s how it started: “I moved to Minnesota for a girl, Christine, but left my entire life back home,” he said.“My family and friends, pets, and the overall lifestyle were all left behind me. I quickly learned that although the girl was worth the move, the weather wasn’t… The terrible weather and the overwhelming feeling of being homesick was a disastrous recipe. I was sliding into a sad place in life. And then, last summer, Christine came home with a surprise. A Goldendoodle we named Juji.“
And what happened then? We’ll let the pictures do the talking.
More info: instagram | facebook (h/t: boredpanda)
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