Tennis Rackets Embroidered By Danielle Clough
I’ve never really embroidered a tennis racket, but here’s someone who has! When Danielle Clough gets some thread, nothing is safe (especially rackets). She loves the calming effect that the rhythm of sewing provides and she likes the simplicity of the title “embroiderer.”
Danielle Clough is a “jane-of-all-trades” from South Africa. She does embroidery besides visual design, radio show, and other jobs. “Ideally, I shoot all my references, and much like traditional embroidery, I map out the lines before I move on to thread,” she wrote on Bored Panda. “There are no rules to my process, purely because I don’t really know any of the rules, and those that I do, I try my best to ignore, and in so that way I cannot know what I’m doing wrong. It’s a self-imposed freedom that makes embroidery feel like play.”
More info: danielleclough.com | instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
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