6 Illustrations That Sum Up Instagram Perfectly
How many photos of food, hotel pools and sketchy supplements advertised by people who have nothing to do with nutrition have you seen the last time you were on Instagram? “Too many” is probably the answer you are looking for. Tired of this ridiculous Instagram culture, Russian artist Anton Gudim created a series of tongue-in-cheek illustrations that sum it all up perfectly.
More info: Instagram
It’s all about the angle – just ask the girl whose boyfriend has just finished taking the hundredth picture of her on the beach.
When traveling, you can’t help but notice how some people are more focused on taking the perfect picture for their social media account instead of actually enjoying the place they are at. But then again, how else would your followers know you’ve been to the Eiffel tower? Or was it the Big Ben? Who cares, really, as long as the picture collected a lot of likes.
It’s not the first time the artist pokes fun at some influencers’ ridiculous Instagram posts and we can’t help but agree how hilariously accurate his illustrations are. Check out more of his works here!
“It’s based on my own experience, I’ve seen millions of photos like this on Instagram,” said the artist in an interview with Bored Panda. “It’s not my intention to provide social commentary on the shallow and narcissistic habits of the modern world, that’s for the reader to decide with their own interpretation.”
Anton says his comics are a way to discover the depths of his own imagination and that he’s glad they can inspire and entertain other people. “I am not out to make people laugh, but I do believe that it’s important for artists to add a little humor into their works,” says the artist.
People loved Anton’s accurate illustrations
Image credits: ImerM1
Image credits: RiqueOWL
Image credits: DmtGallardo
Image credits: _andi_rizal_
Image credits: Biscoito
Image credits: Mandy_Kerr
Image credits: wxtchcraft
Image credits: h_o_ll_o_w
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