Flat Pack Spherical iIndoor Garden Is The Hardest IKEA Project Ever

Published 7 years ago

As more people get on board of sustainable living, minimalism, creating eco-friendly households and growing their own food, they’re looking into easier ways to implement those ideas into their everyday lives. Gardening is one of the trends more and more people become passionate about, however, a lot of individuals willing to start their own small vegetable or herb garden consider it almost impossible or too much effort due to their living conditions. How would you grow your own veggies, greens or herbs if you live in an apartment or a house with minimal backyard space? And what about unfavorable climate and winter time?

Well, looks like IKEA found an easy and inexpensive solution to that issue. They launched Growroom – a concept and a building plan of an indoor spherical garden made of plywood. Following the instructions provided by the company, one can build this unconventionally looking planter at home or at the office and grow organic vegetables without respect of weather conditions or outdoor space availability.

IKEA designed this garden the way that every customer is able to assemble it without any particular issues and made it quite accessible for different people and communities. Maximizing the growing space and transforming an indoor planter into a wonderful piece of the interior, this spherical garden is designed to empower people to try growing their own fresh foods, experience the excitement of picking their own vegetables once they’re ready and connect people with nature.

The creator’s aim also includes promoting green living practices, local food production and environment awareness among average people.

IKEA’s one of the practical and easy-to-implement sustainable living ideas was brought to life in cooperation with Space10. This urban farm pavilion’s design suits modern and traditional interiors while its sliced structure provides optimal lighting and water flow conditions for proper indoor growth of weeks-worth supply of greens and vegetables.

One doesn’t have to be a man of all work to set this thing up, even though this indoor garden will probably be the most difficult IKEA furniture assembly project to get done. But, this flat pack is definitely worth the effort (something you rarely say about IKEA, huh?).

You may find 17-step instructions on Space10 website or IKEA’s Medium page.

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green living, Growroom, Ikea, IKEA indoor garden, Space10, spherical indoor garden, sustainable living