20 Colorful Comics Showing A Brilliant Sense Of Humor And Twisted Endings
Do you love reading those comics that have a crazy plot twist at the end? If yes, then you might love these illustrations by Mike Greaney. This Australian cartoonist writes and illustrates his comics in such a way that you probably won’t be able to guess what would happen in the last panel of the comic strip.
The artist has created animated content for ‘The Malthouse Theater Company,’ and has also written scripts and done voiceover for Nickelodeon! Check out some of Mike’s works in the gallery below.
More info: Instagram | twitter.com
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Image source: grichael.meaney
Got wisdom to pour?
I wish people started to use words like “brilliant” in a more… realistic way.
Um… You do a lot of odd, twisted negative comics about the Bible for someone who’s clearly never read 2 chapters from it. 😂😶
you don’t have to read 2 chapters to be allowed to joke. You always think of your unreal “God” when you read comics, don’t you?💀
Man muss keine 2 Kapitel der Bibel lesen, um Witze zu machen. Sie können auch keinen witzigen Comics lesen ohne gleich an ihren “Gott” zu denken, was? 💀