30 Funny Comics With Twisted Endings By “Dogs On The 4th”
Elliott Fairweather is an American comic artist and the creator of Dogs On The 4th – hilarious comic strip full of funny twists and unexpected endings that every dark humor lover will appreciate. And with over 44 k followers, it’s pretty safe to say this man knows how to crack a good joke.
In a recent interview with Bored Panda, the man said his inspiration comes from the simple desire to make people laugh. He says that the best compliments he’s ever received without exception are being told that someone was having a bad day and his comics made them chuckle. “I’ve received awesome feedback, and it really encourages me to keep going. I try my best to stay engaged with my readers, and honestly, they’re one of the best parts of doing this,” said Elliot. “Making weird content attracts fellow weird people, and I’ve met a lot of truly great and interesting folks as a result!”
More info: dogsonthe4th.com | Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | patreon.com
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
The artist says that the comics are an invaluable outlet to him as they help him “decompress from the day-to-day frustrations of structured, ordinary life”. “I’m a right-brained guy living in a left-brained world,” joked Elliot.
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Even though Elliot writes down every single idea he comes up with, he says that about 90% of them don’t go anywhere. “From there, I’ll have a writing day and incorporate what I can. If something doesn’t work for me, I’ll leave it aside. Some of my best-performing comics have been the result of revisiting an idea weeks/months later with a fresh set of eyes,” explained the artist.
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
As for the unique name of the strip – Dogs on the 4th – Elliot explained that it was named after the fact that dogs freak out in response to the 4th of July fireworks. “I want to elicit that response from my readers, so that’s about as close to a theme as I get!” said the artist.
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Elliot says that the most challenging thing for him is finding the time. “I’d love to do this full-time someday, but until then, I’ve got to squeeze in drawing comics between working and changing obscene amounts of soiled diapers,” joked the artist.
Elliot shared one last piece of advice to his readers: “For anybody wanting to get into comics, I’d say make sure you’re doing it for yourself. Make yourself laugh first. The content that comes from making something you truly enjoy will be much better as a result.”
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
Image source: dogsonthe4th
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