45 Of The Funniest Pandemic Jokes That Will Make Your Day

Published 4 years ago

The coronavirus pandemic is no laughing matter – but that doesn’t mean you have to sit at home and sulk until the quarantine is lifted. Sometimes you just need a little laughter to get your spirits up – and you’ve come to the right place.

People continue to share hilarious memes inspired by the pandemic and they’ll make you realize that not everything is as terrible at it may seem at first glance – check them out in the gallery below! And if you want more, see our previous posts here, here, and here.

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#1 Or Who Think Mild Inconvenience Is Same As Suffering

#2 *boom*

Image source: realdonaldtrump

#3 That Analogy Is Perfect

Image source: TheJordanRachel

#4 Still Waits

#5 Literally Just This One Thing

#6 Truth About Introverts

Image source: tracesoffaith

#7 Found At A Park In Brooklyn, NYC

Image source: reddit.com

#8 Mamma Mia!

Image source: lafayjgar

#9 Five Minutes

Image source: not_thenanny

#10 No Mask, No Service.

Image source: bschapiromd

#11 2020

Image source: DanaSchwartzzz

#12 Why We Get So Mad About Antivaxxers And Corona Conspiracy-Theorists

Image source: SciencePunk

#13 Makes Sense

#14 People Are Like

Image source: ambernoelle

#15 Why Haven’t The Priests And Pastors Of America Saved Us Yet? God Is Supposedly “Powerful “

#16 Just Sayin’

#17 I Thought This Was A Free Country

Image source: MattGubser

#18 More Salty Than The Great Salt Lake

Image source: scottlynch78

#19 Not Very Flattering

Image source: ericonederful

#20 I Demand To Speak To The County’s Manager

Image source: trekonomics

#21 Well It Is North Dakota…

Image source: reddit.com

#22 I Can’t Take Fallout Seriously Anymore

Image source: acegiak

#23 Watching My Eyes Move

Image source: garyfromteenmom

#24 Ghost Stories For Cats

#25 God Ain’t Got Nothing To Do With It

Image source: Eugene_Scott

#26 Nah, Whole Planet’s Countries, Media, Scientists, Citizens Had A Meeting And Decided To Troll America

Image source: JDGreving

#27 Lunch In Locker

Image source: simoncholland

#28 Makes Sense

#29 What Do You Want?

#30 Yeah

#31 Blursed Baptism

Image source: reddit.com

#32 Right?!

#33 My Bad

#34 Educashan

Image source: reddit.com

#35 I Miss My Son Attending Pre-School

Image source: daddydoubts

#36 My Project

#37 Ouch!

#38 Another Episode

#39 Aa 2021

#40 Wave

Image source: claremackint0sh

#41 Don’t Be A Covidiot

Image source: davidmackau

#42 Living Off The Grid First Harvest, Planted My Tomato Plant On The First Day Of Lockdown.

Image source: reddit.com

#43 Accurate

Image source: YaaAsantewaaBa

#44 Cooking Is Overrated

#45 Not Much Has Changed

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



best coronavirus humor, comedy, corona jokes, corona jokes to make you laugh, corona memes, funny coronavirus jokes, hilarious posts during the pandemic, humor, people are posting coronavirus jokes, quarantine corona jokes