Sphynx Cat Portraits Show What‘s Really Happening Beneath All That Fur
One of the defining features of cat is the fur (and shedding). However, photographer Alicia Rius decided to take a look at Sphynx Cats, notorious for their lack of fur. Instead of a fluffy coat, these cats are all skin, all the time. This makes for a somewhat eerie appearance, for a cat. Probably not too much fun to pet, either, but it’s a blessing when shedding season comes around.
However, that’s not the reason why Alicia is fascinated with these creatures. As she writes on Bored Panda, “I’m drawn by their alien look. There’s something disturbing yet eerie that keeps me astonished every time I look at one.Without fluffy and fancy coats, this breed shows what a true cat is. Everything is raw, exposed, vulnerable.This body of work is an exploration of the beauty of Sphynxes within their oddity.” She does have a point there. Sphynxes are often derided as ugly because of their leathery looks. However, that’s is really unfair, considering that it’s not their own fault. Plus, they have the most majestic Egyptian profile of any cat.
Besides, I’m sure they hit all the other salient points of cathood: meowing, purring, scratching things and dominating their home. And they still look better than the poor flat-nosed Persians.
More info: boredpanda
Got wisdom to pour?
Fascinating ♥ look at their paws…cats are works of art
they’re adorable!!! ♥
My teacher has two of these cats and says he loves them.
Hi Olivia,
Does she happen to live in L.A? Because I’m looking for more models for the project!
If so, tell her to write me an email at info@aliciarius.com @disqus_IAC2f8n1HC:disqus
If you are in Utah ever we have a few who love to model, also with kitten on the way any day now. :)
Why don´t you send me over your information, phone number and a few photos of the cats? I´m creating a data base for all the people who’s interested in the project. info@aliciarius.com
Thank you!