Get to Know Indosat International Private Lease Circuit (IPLC) for Your Global Business

Published 8 years ago

For global business, many firms in Singapore are realizing the importance of an international network. Indosat International Private Lease Circuit (IPLC) is designed for this purpose. It is available to extend your global network services in Singapore by providing an end-to-end service privately connecting both two of your customer’s sites. It also can extend your private line network from a colocation facility of a mutual agreement into your customer’s premises.

Indosat IPLC allows you to establish dedicated,point-to-point and permanent connections between your customer’s locations. This kind of private line circuits is highly reliable, protocol independent connections and inherently secure that can be used to transport voice, video as well as data without restrictions.

Benefits of IPLC including highly secure private lines for government, non-governmental organizations, and financial, high capacity bandwidth private lines that can be used for international ISPs, institutions, low bandwidth transactional secured enterprise applications. Corporate applications that require high performance for voice, video and private cloud access over IP applications or ERP applications could be the best option. Additionally, this diverse international links implemented for the failover and load balance solutions.

These years, Indosat has been focused on improving customers’ network efficiency through SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) topology, which is the most robust and mature network platform usually implemented in the backbone network. That will comply with customers’ global processes requirements so that to ensure your and customer challenges are met.

Why choose Indosat IPLC? A dedicated project manager would manage the service installation the whole process from feasibility to activation, following up on every detail and providing regular updates based on the requirements. The service center has a centralized network management system to support systems that are used to have global visibility to all services information. Services are available for customers by phone, e-mail as well as web-based trouble-ticketing tool.

International Private Lease Circuit (IPLC)

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International Private Lease Circuit

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Get to Know Indosat International Private Lease Circuit (IPLC) for Your Global Business

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Indosat IPLC, International Private Lease Circuit, IPLC