R.I.P. Chuppy: The Golden Retriever Eternalized In Beautiful Photography By Her Owner

Published 10 years ago

For the past couple of years, Jessica Trinh has created a beautiful and heartwarming photography series revolving around her golden retriever Chuppy. Unfortunately, on the 1st of March, the dog died from an auto immune system disease, leaving these gorgeous shots of him for his owner to remember the 7 beautiful years they spent together.

The young photographer started taking these gorgeous and lively pictures of her dog when she was only 17-18 years old. She didn’t want to take the standard cute puppy photos that the Internet is full of these days.  She writes: “There is a mission behind my photos. I wanted to make a statement in pet photography. I wanted to call it art. I love to create surreal and magical scenarios that produce a different scene.”

Chuppy was not only her main subject in photography, but a significant source of inspiration as well. Take a look at the magic they’ve created together.

Source: flickr.com | Instagram

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Sadly, Chuppy was put to sleep 12 days ago at the age of 7 because of an autoimmune disease. R.I.P Chuppy.

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animal photography, Chupman, Chuppy, cute dog, dog, dog photography, dogs, full-page, full-post, golden retriever, Jessica Trinh, pet photography, R.I.P, RIP