Artist Inks Her Friends With Elegant Home-Made Tattoos
Ukraine-born multimedia artist Stanislava Pinchuk, aka Miso, creates special minimal tattoos when working in Tokyo and Melbourne. In her own words, they are “home-made tattoos for friends and friends of friends, playing with memory, space and geography turned back on body, all completed as trades.” That’s right – the artist doesn’t take money for her personal clients, preferring creative trades instead.
“So far, I’ve really just kept it as a trade system, and only for friends – it’s too important and intimate for me to take money for, at this stage,” told Miso to Yellowtrace. “A trade for what someone feels its worth – maybe they teach me a skill in return, cook me dinner, give me a book I would love, assistant work, whiskey. You never know, but everyone feels good about it, which I like. But more and more, I feel like it’s becoming a bigger part of my practice.”
You can actually feel a very personal and gentle touch in Miso’s works. Aside from inking her friends, Miso is also known for her street art and work with paper – drawing, cutting, and pin-pricking.
More info: m-i-s-o.com (h/t: thisisnthappiness)
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