Artist Covers Her Graceful Porcelain Figures With Sailor Tattoos

Published 10 years ago

Scottish artist Jessica Harrison is known for her daring and often macabre sculpting experiments in which she explores the relationship between the inner and outer body in explicit and provoking sculptures. In her recent work “Flash,” she juxtaposes delicate traditional feminine porcelain figures with mosaics of ornate sailor tattoos that cover their snow-white bodies at least from neck to wrists.

The contrast between the aristocratic feminine figures in their gracious, even Disney-like, ball gowns and their rough, bold tattoos raise some interesting thoughts on societal taboos. As Harrison writes in her artist statement, she “re-describes the body in sculpture through the skin, offering an alternative way of thinking about the body beyond a binary tradition of inside and outside.”

The exhibition is open in Galerie L. J., Paris, 15th May – 14th June.

More info: Website |Facebook (h/t: thisiscolossal)

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aristocratic feminine figures, feminine figure sculptures, figure sculptures, Flash, full-post, Jessica Harrison, porcelain, porcelain sculptures, sailor tattoos, tattoo, tattoo sculpptures, tattoo sculpture, tattoos, tattoos on porcelain