Hyper Realistic Pastel Drawings of Greenland’s Icebergs Raise Awareness On Climate Change

Published 11 years ago

New York-based artist Zaria Forman uses pastels to create incredibly realistic drawings of Greenland’s icebergs that not only raise awareness on the climate change but are also a gift to her late mother.

Zaria’s mother wished to go on an Arctic journey, similarly as the one American painter William Bradford took in 1869. She dedicated her life to photographing the remote region of Northwest Coast of Greenland but sadly she wasn‘t able to finish the voyage before her death.

“My mother had conceived the idea for the voyage, but sadly did not live to see it through. During the months of her illness her dedication to the expedition never wavered and I promised to carry out her final journey. In Greenland, I scattered her ashes amongst crackling ice diamonds, on the towering peak of one of earth’s oldest stones and under the green glow of northern lights. She is now a part of the landscape she loved so much” recalls the artist.

Part of the sales from the drawings go straight to 350.org, the organization assigned to solve the global climate crisis.

Source: zariaforman.comFacebook

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awareness raising, climate change, environmental activism, environmental issues, full-post, global warming, greenhouse effect, Greenland, Greenland iceberg, hyper realistic painting, pastel drawing, pastel painting, photographic painting, social activism, social art, Zaria Forman