Solid Ceramic Sculptures Create The Amazing Illusion That They Are Inflatable Toys

Published 11 years ago

Sculptor Brett Kern is a master of illusion. Only instead of using bunnies and black top hats, he makes inflatable toys out of ceramics.

It’s not really a trick – he’s just a great sculptor who knows his working material well enough to be able to revive the beloved inflatable toys from his childhood. The illusion is outstanding – if you didn’t know they were ceramic, you would probably believe that these sculptures were actually light-as-air inflatable plastic toys.

If you won’t take our word for it that these are ceramic sculptures, you can check out Kern’s Etsy store and buy one. Just to make sure.

Source: | Etsy

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Brett Kern, ceramic illusion, ceramic sculpture, ceramics, full-post, inflatable toys, optical illusions, Sculptures