Artist Draws Dragons To Destroy The Stereotypes About Them

Published 7 years ago

Whether through tales, movies, or Dungeons and Dragons, these mythical beasts had gripped peoples’ imaginations for ages. And usually, they were associated with devastation, choosing humans as their main dish, and other horrendous things. So with this illustration series, artist Brian Kesinger wanted to show a different side of the animal.

“Often dragons are depicted as villainous, treasure hoarding monsters but I wanted to break past the stereotypes and delve into the different personalities of each character,” Brian told Bored Panda. “As far as the styling of the drawings themselves, I wanted to go for an old fashioned look of classic illustration, maybe even having a feel that they were sketched from life in some explorer’s journal.”

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#1 Raniik The Obvious

“Raniik the Obvious” fancies himself an excellent hide and seek player.

#2 Telkyn The Learned

This book wyrm loves to hoard her literary treasures.

#3 Cole The Diminutive

“Cole the Diminutive” is just a small dragon in a big world hoping to find a realm of his own that he can desolate all he wants.

#4 Aagar The Emotional

Chapter 14 gets to “AAgar the Emotional” every time.

#5 Varlad The Improviser

“Varlad the Improviser” was fortunate to come across a helpful princess during his quest to find his missing jump rope.

#6 Morkos The Famished

This peckish dragon is always up for a late knight snack.

#7 Gorüng The Skittish

“Gorüng the Skittish” has an extreme case of Ovinaphobia.

#8 Garnyx The Behemoth

Once upon a time a reckless king decreed that his kingdom be built on the highest peak in the land. His advisors warned against the construction as it was a sacred place but were put to death for their disobedience. Woe to the king when Garnyx awakes…

#9 Flaarix The Mischevious

This sea serpent loves surprising the local mermaids with impromptu acrobatic displays.

#10 Cyr’nyth The Mystic

Many an intrepid traveler has sought the wisdom of this ancient forest spirit, but Cyr’nyth only materializes to those he deems worthy of his knowledge.

This is artist’s inktober challenge. Check out another one of these that tackles a bit more serious topic of mental illnesses.


In cahoots with the secret orde...
With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.

Got wisdom to pour?



Brian Kesinger, dragon, dragons, fantasy art, Inktober, Inktober Dragons