17 Of The Most Dreamlike Houses On Earth
These 17 mystical cottages aren’t images from some childhood fairytale – they’re actual structures that exist somewhere in the world. The cold, boring and concrete lines of modern architecture are definitely not for these architects – their homes are full of organic and unusual forms.
It is said that one’s home can speak volumes about whomever it is that lives inside. If so, what do these homes say about the people that live there?
Hobbit House In Wales, UK
Image credits: simondale.net
Fairy Tale Cottage in Canada
Image credits: jamesbirkbeckart.tumblr.com
Three Story Treehouse in British Columbia, Canada
Image credits: imgur.com
Nautilus House in Mexico
Image credits: Arquitectura Organica
Hobbit House in New Zealand
Image credits: Ian Brodie
The Seashell House in Mexico
Image credits: airbnb.com
Rustic Way Whimsical House in Minnesota
Image credits: rusticway.com
Dome Home in Thailand
Image credits: steveareen.com
Stone House in Portugal
Image credits: jsome1
Image credits: VRfoto
Akebono Kodomo-no-mori Park in Japan
Image credits: yui kubo
Forest House in Netherlands
Image credits: panoramio.com
Abandoned Wooden House in Russia
Image credits: Andrew Qzmn
Tiny Victorian Cottage in the Catskills, New York
Image credits: myshabbystreamsidestudio.blogspot.com
Crazy House in Vietnam
Image credits: thedailybeast.com
Traditional House in Iceland
Image credits: Filippo Bianchi
Maison de Sorcière Avec Ciel d’orage in France
Image credits: panoramio.com
Teahouse Tetsu in Yamanashi, Japan
Image credits: Terunobu Fujimori
Got wisdom to pour?
And so it begins…
Not sure which I love best! A little of each? My sig other sent these to me because I’ve been talking about eventually living in a Yurt. But these have creature-comforts and are astonishing!
love them!!!!!!!
I love these!
The one in the netherlands is in a theme park
in de Efteling, right?
*Giraffe Fucking*
Have you ever fucked a giraffe? I have…and let me tell you it was
I always found giraffes attractive in a sexual sense. I never cared to
concern myself much with their personality or level of intelligence. I
wasn’t interested in making good conversation with a giraffe…I just
wanted to fuck a giraffe, simple as that.
So one day in the summer of ’86 when I couldn’t take the inner suffering and
abstinence any longer, I took the advice of one of my good friends and went
to see this guy Joe. Joe knew quite a few giraffes from around the way and
promised to set me up with a 32 footer from northern Zimbabwe. As you
probably can guess, I grew very excited with thoughts of the actual
culmination of me fucking a giraffe. So I went to meet Jamonda.
Jamonda was beautiful. The most beautiful giraffe I had ever seen. I had
to have her right away. We went to a tree in a far off location and I began
my journey inside a giraffe.
After about an hour of sensual kissing and licking, Jamonda gave me head.
It was very good head…the kind of head…well, the kind of head a giraffe
would give. Soon after that, it was time.
I laid Jamonda up (giraffe’s fuck standing up) and began to slowly dry hump
her. Soon she whispered in my ear something in giraffe…that I knew
meant..”put it inside”. The moment had arrived.. the moment I had waited
for ever since I was a 6 year old school boy watching National Geographic,
on video, in my room, under my blanket. I maneuvered it in….
Boy let me tell you what a disappointment! I don’t know, maybe it’s just me
or something but that giraffe’s pussy was incredibly large. What the
fuck…no one said anything about THAT.
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