Guy Turns His Roommate’s Mess Into A Hilarious “Passive-Aggressive Art Gallery”

Published 7 years ago

What would you do if you had a really messy roommate? Would you clean after him, try to reason with him or find more creative ways of getting your point through?

Comedian Justin Cousson chose to fight this war the most creative and hilarious way ever. He created a passive-aggressive gallery where he turns his housemate’s messes into a series of unique art pieces.

So far, it doesn’t look like this kind of shaming is working that well, but at least it’s making the internet laugh.

More info: twitter | justin cousson (h/t)

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#1 “Cheese Knife”; Mixed-Media, 2017

#2 “A Monument To A Vanquished Paper Towel Roll Or New Rolls Are (Arrow Pointing Downward) But Bending Down Is Hard”; Mixed-Media, 2017

#3 “Sour Cream-Covered Spoon Left In Sink Before Leaving Town For Four Days”; Mixed-Media (Metal, Porcelain, Sour Cream, Filth) 2017

#4 “Clothes Left In Dryer Overnight, Then Another Night, Then…”; Mixed-Media, 2017

#5 “Shoes On Shoe Rack (Nearly)”; Mixed-Media, 2017

#6 “Choose Your Weapon (Or, Midnight Snack)”; Mixed-Media, 2017

#7 “Forgotten Milk, Left To Actively Go Rancid In Fridge Far Beyond Sell-By Date”; Mixed-Media

#8 “Boxes Left On Couch Because What Even *is* Breaking Them Down And Recycling Or Even Leaving Them Not On The Couch”; Mixed-Media, 2017

#9 “Knife Left Out On Counter In Striking Distance Of Knife Block, Having Been Only Used To Remove Seal Of Ice Cream Carton, Which Was Also Left On Counter, Leaving Quite The Sight As The Last Thing I Saw Before I Gratefully Left Town For Two Weeks”; Mixed-Media, 2017

#10 Value Of “Forgotten Milk, Left To Actively Go Rancid In Fridge Far Beyond Sell-By Date” Grew Over Time (From 700$ To 900$)


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funny art, hilarious, joke, Justin Cousson, Messy, messy roomate, passive aggressive gallery